Lomandra hystrix / Mat Rush 125mm
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What you need to know at a glance;
• This long strappy, glossy leafed evergreen plant is another almost indestructible plant option, so if you want a low maintenance evergreen to fill your garden beds, this one is for you.
• Grows well in any light and pretty much any soil
• Once established has a low watering requirement, and is drought tolerant
• Grows to 1mtr x 1mtr
• Great in pots and garden
• Beautiful yellow flower spikes through spring and summer
• Looks awesome planted in mass as a taller 1 mtr garden border, and just as good as a single clump in your garden
• This plant is also an option on slopes and banks that need erosion protection and great for mass planting revegetation projects
• Fertilising in spring and summer will ensure leaves stay nice and glossy
Landscapers dream, tolerates any sun and soil position, great to mass plant for borders or revegetation and erosion projects, drought tolerant, evergreen. This plant is an easy grower winner.