Commercial Landscaping
Posted on October 15, 2017
Salvation Army Recovery Services
What a pleasure it was to supply the plants to the recently completed Salvation Army project on John Melton Black Drive. In years to come, the lush green gardens created will give its residences’ some space to enjoy and relax whilst they recover.
IMAGE REQUIRED: Project Plants Trade Centre
Wade from Northern Land Design and Mark from Project Plants Trade Centre
The landscaping was completed by local landscaping master, Wade, from Northern Land Design. With the plants, hardwood tree stakes, tree ties, and fertiliser supplied by Project Plants Trade Centre. These companies proving that even the big jobs can be completed to an extremely high standard by utilising local businesses.
IMAGE REQUIRED: Red Cottonwood
IMAGE REQUIRED: Hibiscus Tiliaceus Rubra
IMAGE REQUIRED: Recovery Services
View of the entrance to Recovery Services
Some of the species used for this project included:
- Hibiscus tiliaceus rubra – Red Cottonwood
- Yucca elephantipes
- Ficus ‘Green Island’
- Assorted Bougainvillea
- Livistona decora (Livistona decipiens) – Weeping Cabbage Palm
- Cupaniopsis anacardioides – Tuckeroo
- Melaleuca dealbata – Blue Paperbark
- Pandanus utilus ‘Red Edge’
- Euphorbia milii
- Hardwood stakes and tree ties
- Typhoon Tree planting fertiliser tablets
View the currently available stock and place your order here.
IMAGE REQUIRED: Local Business Townsville
Some exceptional workmanship on display
Get in contact today to support local business and get your project underway!

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